Big AI News... and... 🚀🤖

You won't believe what is coming next.

Hi guys,

First point:

Summer🌞 is quietly coming to an end. That matters more to some people than it does to others.

I live in Canada — so that means quite a bit to me!

I used to hate this time of year (📚✏️ back to school, etc.), but now it is one of my favorite times.

I think the main reason I like it now is that my 7-year-old son goes back to school, and now I can actually focus! 🎯

(We love having him home for the summer — but I’m sure you can imagine what I’m talking about…)

🚀 The AI News:

AI is about to get a lot better.

OpenAI is set to release 🍓 Strawberry” in the next 2 weeks.

The Information reported:

Strawberry is different from other conversational AI because of its ability to "think" before responding, rather than immediately answering a query.” 🤔💡

This is huge. 📊

One of the biggest problems with AI models has been that they seem to give the first answer that pops into their “mind.” 

Even if you ask ChatGPT to tell you how many “r”s are in the word “strawberry” 🍓 it will get it wrong and say 2.

This is because the model is just “guessing.”

The new model “Strawberry” should be able to pause ⏸️ and then give a sensible answer that makes sense.

The quality of responses from AI should increase dramatically if AI is able to “think” before giving an answer.

So now is a better time than ever for you to use AI as much as possible and improve your skills with it. 🚀

I still can’t believe how many people are hardly using it at all. 😲

📈 Point 3:

I’m getting over 100k monthly views on my Medium articles about how to leverage AI. 📈🖊️

We’re collecting thousands of email addresses, and our monthly earnings for this website are increasing every month (faster than we thought). 💸📧

We’re sharing exactly how we are doing this in our new course:

We have 4 video lessons up already and are working on this every day. 🛠️

AI has changed the game completely.

Most people are using old and outdated methods to grow online. 🕰️❌

But if you know what you are doing, now is a better time than ever to grow and earn more money online. 💰

We’ll show you a behind-the-scenes look at exactly what we’re doing and how it’s working. 🔍

🚨 You can get in now for a huge discount — but you’ll get the course and the login for a lifetime if you get in now! 🏆


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