Our New Growth Hacking with AI Tips (Plus more)

New ways we're growing like a weed.

Hey guys 👋

The Power of Stepping Away

I get my best ideas when I'm outside (away from the computer).

There's just something about getting fresh air that sparks creativity! (as opposed to the mind-numbing feeling you get when you are staring at a screen all day)

Here are a couple photos from my bike ride yesterday. This is how the leaves look in Southern Ontario (Niagara Falls) in the fall. 🍂🚴‍♂️

While I was riding, I decided I wanted to share some really interesting experiments we’re doing to grow online quickly 🚀 (We’ll give full details in the course below)

Substack PLUS Medium - A Deadly Combination 💥

One thing we've been doing is posting on Medium and then posting the same article on Substack.

Substack is growing like a weed 🌿 lately. Its an amazing platform to get in now while it's growing so fast.

One advantage of Substack is that you actually get to collect email addresses. With Medium, you don't get any emails at all from your followers, but Medium has a much better algorithm to find new readers.

The point is, the combination of using both platforms well is deadly, and it's something we're going to share in our course. 🚀

If you leverage Medium properly, you will trigger Substack’s algorithm to go find new readers for your content.

Leveraging AI for Efficiency 🤖

Another thing we're going to share is how to save time and leverage the power of AI.

I mentioned last time how I write all my own content in these emails, but I use ChatGPT to help format it.

This is my workflow now. I'm literally typing this email into ChatGPT right now! 💬

Here's a screenshot of me typing this in ChatGPT. You can see there's no formatting yet—just the raw content.

Then, ChatGPT will format this email and I'll just cut and paste it into Beehiiv.

We'll go into all of this detail in the course, and we think you'll love it. 😊

Special Offer! 🚀

As we’re continuing to put more content in our course, we’re excited to offer our AI Growth Hacking Course for only $197 (Instead of the $797 regular price)

  • Grow your business with AI

  • Save hours of time every day

  • Monetize your email list, even if you’re just starting out

  • Leverage all of the best content platforms to grow.

  • Plus a ton more

(Yes, even if you don’t have a product to sell yet, this course teaches you the best ways to grow your online presence quickly and earn significantly more money online with the help of AI)

That’s it for today!

I’ll probably go out for another bike ride!

Check out our new AI Growth Hacking podcast:

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