Writing with AI - I just found a much better way

AI writing personal experiment

I just found a really cool way to write articles with AI.  

(Don’t worry, this is 100% hand typed by me).

Trust me, I hate AI spam at least as much as anyone else 🙃 

My way is basically the opposite of what everyone else is doing.

Most people are abusing AI writing in my opinion. And they are getting their articles kicked off of Google (I agree they should be kicked off)

Most people are basically just telling ChatGPT or another “AI writing tool”, the topic of what they want the article to be about, and then adding in a few other details.

Then they “edit” or “humanize” the article before posting it on their website.

The problem is, these articles still aren’t great for the most part, and they are easy to see that they are AI written.

Come on, you know its true deep down… ☹️

So how do I write articles with AI then?

First, I need to tell you…

My tip from Tony Robbins

I have to admit, I’ve been a Tony Robbins fan for probably 25 years.

I randomly saw a video of Tony recommending a free app called Otter AI. I have a free plan, and its all I need.

This app records what you say, and then transcribes everything into a text file. (It also summarizes it too, but that’s another story)

  1. Download Otter.ai: (not affiliate link) It’s available for both phone and desktop.

  2. Record Ideas: Use the app to record your ideas anytime, anywhere.

So Here is what I do…

My Workflow

Step 1: Recording Ideas

I live in Niagara Falls, Canada.

Yesterday was a nice day, and I took a walk from my house to the Falls.

(Walking there and back takes about an hour)

As I was walking I realized I had an idea for an article.

I recorded my thoughts using Otter AI. Even in a noisy environment, (it was windy too) the app captured my voice clearly.

I just held the phone up to my ear and started talking. Everyone around just thought I was on the phone.

I was rambling the entire time, and saying a lot of “ums and ahs”. It was just a stream of consciousness. None of it made a lot of sense.


Somewhere in all of my babbling, were my main ideas and key points for the article I wanted to write.

Step 2: Transcription

Otter automatically transcribes the recorded audio, which then automatically goes on my desktop. This unedited transcript of my babbling contains all the raw ideas for my article.

Step 3: Using ChatGPT

I upload the transcript to ChatGPT with a prompt like, “I’m writing an article about collecting emails as a YouTuber. Help me structure it.”

ChatGPT organizes the content into a coherent template, which I can then refine.

They got all of my main ideas, put them in a logical order, and formatted the article nicely, with bullet points and everything.

I made a video of the entire process.

Benefits of This Method

  • Efficiency: Recording ideas on the go saves a ton of time.

  • Quality: The articles are based on my experiences and insights, not generic AI-generated content. (AI is helping me, but these are my insights, my articles, not AI spam at all)

  • SEO Success: Articles written using this method perform well on Google.

    I show proof in the video above with actual examples of what I write this way.

Email Collection for YouTubers

That was the topic of the article I used AI to help with.

The article I ended up with was at least as good as what I normally write, it shows up on Google, and it took me half the time to write (or less).

The article was explaining that anyone trying to earn money online, needs to do email marketing. (This is 100% true by the way)

I’m using Beehiiv to write this email right now.

I did a full review of Beehiiv here.

Here is a link to start a free trial

I hope you find this AI writing method as useful as I do.

I highly recommend trying it out.


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